At Delphinus Financial Advisors, we are not content to provide a static financial plan and leave you to implement the details on your own. Our focus is advocacy: We implement your strategies in an ongoing process that takes into account your entire financial picture, not just the investments we manage for you. We take all the time you need to understand the details of your finances and the recommended solutions to simplify and grow your wealth. Through this level of advocacy, we can help you make informed decisions and feel confident that you have a partner to keep you on track. Our lives, and our world, are not static, so your plan requires and deserves ongoing monitoring and adjustments.

Our Process

Our process begins with learning about your situation and your goals. We discover your concerns and potential financial gaps, and delve into each of those areas according to their priority. We work one-on-one with you to determine a course forward for each area, coordinating as necessary with other experts such as attorneys or insurance professionals. We stay in regular contact with you and encourage you to contact us whenever you have a change or a question—no detail is too trivial. We reach out periodically for ongoing reviews. In this way, we help make sure our process continues to address your life’s needs.


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Financial Planning

At Delphinus Financial Advisors, we customize everything we do for you. We provide multifaceted solutions to help you reach your short-term and long-term goals, including income tax planning, retirement planning, estate planning, risk management, and education planning.

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Investment Management

Your investment portfolio is not designed to reach some arbitrary benchmark. It is designed to achieve your goals. We work with you to discover your objectives, time horizon, and tolerance for investment risk, then build a low-cost, tax-efficient portfolio to help achieve the returns you need.

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Tax Planning and Preparation

Unlike most other wealth management firms, we are tax professionals. At the beginning of our engagement, we analyze your previous tax returns. This gives us an understanding of your tax situation, and we sometimes find correctable mistakes that could potentially return substantial dollars to you. Ongoing, we optimize all your financial and investment strategies to reduce your tax burden, both in the near-term as well as in future transition years (such as college and retirement). And we prepare your tax returns, maximizing your deductions with our tax expertise and comprehensive knowledge of your overall financial situation.


Our Investment Philosophy

We take a total-life approach to your investments, incorporating tax planning to optimize your post-tax investment returns. In addition, we structure your portfolio based on Nobel Prize–winning research and an evidence-based approach. Our perspective is not entirely a passive one, however, as we keep a watchful eye on the market for opportunities that can help you achieve your goals. With our strategic tax recommendations and use of low-cost investments, we help you achieve greater after-tax returns so you can make faster progress toward your goals.

The Delphinus Advantage

Our approach to comprehensive wealth management is unique. We do not limit our service to the portfolio we manage for you, but instead extend our expertise to all areas of your financial life. Our comprehensive yet detail-oriented perspective allows us to treat your wealth as a harmonious whole. Upon a mutual understanding, we fully implement many of the strategies on your behalf. For those needing your involvement, we are here to assist and coordinate in a helpful, hands-on manner. And we strive to educate and explain to the level that is right for you.  


Fee Only




Tax Focused


Goal Based



